Opening Blog

If I go by proper definition, then, food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. But is that all? If you ask me, I would say absolutely not !. Food is such a divine thing for me, its a powerful magnet which attracts people of varied culture.

No restaurant can beat Ghar ka Khana (home food) and no gourmet guru can challenge Mother's cooking. Its not mere spices and the masalas that makes the dish, but the love, care and affection with which one cooks makes it more special. That is why home food is so tasty even with minimal ingredients. I have grown up watching my paternal and maternal grandmothers cook for the family. They every time amazed me with their simplistic and efficient cooking methods. Every dish that was served had its own unique story.

From being just a food enthusiast I have come to respect food a lot more now. To keep that spirit of cooking alive, I have started this blog. Going forward I will try to combine two of my passions, Food and Photography to bring out the creative best in me. Hope I do justice to each and every dish of mine.

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