What's Bakin?....

One thing I must agree is that, baking needs a lot of patience.. phew!!!.. 

Off lately I have been using my oven a lot. The lovely dinner platter below was to celebrate the much awaited spring which finally seems to have arrived..Long pending and may be my 100th or so attempt to make these garlic flavored buns. Accompaniments include a hearty and healthy butternut squash soup (oven-roasted) and quinoa-chickpea salad. 


For the buns, I followed the below link. I modified the shape to be more like bun rather than a loaf.

For the soup, I oven roasted the squash with some olive oil, salt and pepper on top for almost an hour at 350 Fahrenheit. Scraped them and blended into smooth paste and then boiled the liquid with some extra doze of pepper.

For the salad, I chopped some tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions and lettuce. Topped these veggies with some boiled chickpea and cooked quinoa..For the dressing , I kept it really simple, with some lemon juice mixed salt and olive oil.

If you try these recipes do let me know how did u like it?... Enjoy
PS : My Little one loved everything .